måndag 27 april 2009
Electroliquid Aggregation
"Hope is nature's veil for hiding truth's nakedness"
- Hiding truth's veil for the hope is nature's nakedness
Jacques Yves Cousteau
"People protect what they Love"
- They love what people protect
The Black Box, The Concealed Room

onsdag 1 april 2009
the Model

The above ground part is developed from the word "exploding", and I tried to make the roof in different levels from each other so that it would look like they were moving, or at least not as still as "normal" roofs usually look like.
The below ground part is from the inspirational word "Recycling", and I was picturing some kind of machine that would turn waste into reusable items, and therefor the below ground shape looks like it does, in a way machine-like.
The walls are built really thin in this building because of the effort to try and make people experience the space together even if they are not in the same room. Because of the two minor elevations, it cuts up the three different floors even more, and by doing the walls thin you will still hear people and feeling their presence even though the wall might look like solid stone.

the Section Drawings of the Stairs

my textures put into the model
This is my texture "absorbant", which covers most of the wall area below ground. I used this one to try and make the person, walking down all those stairs to get to the studio downstairs, interested to keep walking down because of the absorbing pattern.
Soft - Above

I choose this piece because I related it to Tracey Moffatts work Doomed. It is a piece about terror, violence and war, which are all caused by human beings. Therefor I made a pair of lips to try and symbolize people and how words coming from there can have such devistating consequenses.
Fibrous - Between
I chose to have the fibrous texture in the "between" section in an attempt to try and bind the two other textures; "soft" and "absorbant", together in a somewhat logical way I think. I love how it stretches up towards both directions to kind of pull the other two together with it.