söndag 29 mars 2009

YouTube Video - how to refinish stone floors

Since my sketchup model has got a lot of interior stone floors, i thought it could be good to show you guys how it's made! Enjoy!

fredag 27 mars 2009


Fiona Hall's piece

Three textures

Tracey Moffatt's piece

torsdag 26 mars 2009

måndag 23 mars 2009

the Stairs

Model 1.

Stair 1.

Stair 2.

Model 2.

Stair 3.

These stairs are made out of solid stone. They are constructed to go up along the walls to reach the first floor.

Stair 4.

This stair is put together by different sized wooden steps. They are placed randomly on top of each other to make them seem more like a sculpture rather than a stair, being placed in a gallery I thought it could be a fun idea to experiment with.

söndag 22 mars 2009

Material and processes of the artist works

Fiona Hall's artwork is picturing a golden sardine can, with some kind of golden blossom growing out of it. The piece first appeared in 1990 among some of her other well known pieces from her sardine can series called Paradisus Terrestris. The artwork is made out of aluminum and steel. I like the choice of material and especially the choice of color that she has chosen for the piece, because it is not the most common color to set on trash.
Hall manages to, by using these materials and textures, to make the flowers seem alive and as if they are growing without any disturbance at all from the hard and solid can that surrounds its roots.

Source: http://images.google.se/imgres?imgurl=http://qag.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/image/0012/7005/006-Lotus-Fiona-Hall.jpg&imgrefurl=http://qag.qld.gov.au/exhibitions/archive/2005/fiona_hall%3FSQ_DESIGN_NAME%3Dprinter_friendly&usg=__Cq6H5qAgoyynJGzRHms9B9l3vWM=&h=299&w=205&sz=11&hl=sv&start=12&um=1&tbnid=HQ1OFFha8RL7UM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=80&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfiona%2Bhall%2Bartist%2Bunderstorey%26hl%3Dsv%26um%3D1

Tracey Moffatts work is called Doomed and is originally from a video collage she made with the theme of Doom and destruction. The goal was to picture war, terror and violence, as they often appear in the movies.
This piece wasn’t made by hand, but from techniques using cut-and paste editing. I think it is very well made, and there were other artworks as well to this series that was very capturing and looked very realistic. The works from this series are taken from both fictional and also reconstructed events of disaster.
I think that she made the right choice using computers to this particular piece, because even with great skill in drawing, this caption and result is not very easy to achieve by hand.

Source: http://images.google.se/imgres?imgurl=http://www.homepagedaily.com/uploads/20071220/dca50d8c-05a4-4210-9440-3954d9a4d91f/doomed3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.homepagedaily.com/Pages/article3688-tracey-moffatt.aspx&usg=__fWqFWDqLWvNnRaDlhwYkuo5HZOU=&h=352&w=470&sz=27&hl=sv&start=1&um=1&tbnid=X9QN3IZO5-4yqM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtracey%2Bmoffatts%2Bdoomed%26hl%3Dsv%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1

söndag 15 mars 2009

Sketchup model

The two words used for the model is "shiny" (drawn from above ground) and "exploding" (drawn from above ground as well).

The material chosen for this building is marble.

onsdag 4 mars 2009

Fiona Hall: Trash. Recycling. Shiny.

Tracey Moffatt: Suburb. Exploding. Chaotic.

Rosalie Gascoigne: Material. Hammering. Quiet.

This is beauty at it's very peak:
Graduation day from high school on the 5th of June of 2008.
Lots of happy faces, friends, expectations and joy. All in one frame.

Turning Torso is located in Malmö, in the very south of Sweden. The architect is Santiago Calatrava and he was inspired by the human spine. So the tower turns in the way a human spine would do when turning.

In this assignment i worked with putting shadows in the picture, making it seem more alive. It was an add for the Christina Aguilera perfume.

While working on a collection with three different patterns to print up, this one was my favourite. Playful, but yet charming in a childish way.

I actually made this one as an illustration of one of my favourite songs, The Good old fashioned Loverboy by Queen.